She’s lovely - and a set of Cromwell playing cards is a lovely idea…

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How about a set of Cromwell tarot cards?

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I did think 52 repeating cards was a little limiting for you…. Tarot makes much more sense!

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Bea, I love this inclusion of the gallows and its back-story. It got me thinking about the Hangman game we used to play at school (60 years ago for me). There's no certainty if a version of the game existed in Wolsey's day. Still, your post got me musing on what word(s) I would make Wolsey guess if I were Fabrice-who-later-becomes-Christophe, Apart from the obvious 'G _ _ _ _ _', I've decided to torment him with this one: 'B_ _ _ _ _ _ / B _ _'. (I've added the Bs to make it easy for him.)

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She does look very like the usual Queen of a playing card, but my eye was really drawn to the lovely panelling in the first picture!

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While I remember - I saw some choughs in the National Gallery today!

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Excellent. #ChoughWatch

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