Jul 31Liked by Bea Stitches

I’m reading the penultimate Shardlake novel “Lamentation” by C.J. Sansom, and Gyllam is a minor character there. He is indeed of Welsh origin, and is the embroiderer for the Queen’s household. The last Queen Catherine, that is.

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Ah thank you. I had forgotten this - firstly I must re-read, and then I must have a look through some more account books! I guess CJ Sansom didn’t pick the name by accident!

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Aug 4Liked by Bea Stitches

Transkribus ( you can get a free trial) might help with the Will!

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Thank you! The will itself isn’t too bad in terms of handwriting, but I will certainly bear this in mind for other documents.

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looking forward to more about Gyllam, and just what he (or Elizabeth...) embroidered

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Love your curiosity and your scrolls! Lovely work: Thank you for sharing!

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Gyllam sounds like he may have been a Welshman. My dad’s name was Gwynne, born in Pontycymmer.

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Jul 30Liked by Bea Stitches

The Worshipful Company of Broderers of the City of London may also be able to help..

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I am not sure what they will have as a lot of their records were destroyed by bomb damage. But it’s definitely worth an email. Thanks for the thought.

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What a fascinating post, Lucie. Really looking forward to more about Gyllam

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