Regarding cats and in particular Wolsey keeping a cat near to him when receiving important visitors, the Speaker of the House of Commons keeps a very fine Maine Coon cat in the chamber. His name is Attlee and he has his own Instagram @attlee_the_cat. As I lover of Maine Coons and other large forest cats, I approve.

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Yes - Attlee is splendid. And I often think that if Larry the Downing Street Cat was in charge, things would be better all round.

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Lovely story. For a cat lover and history lover, amazing.

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I love both your stitching and the story of the cardinals cat. Thank you for a lovely post. I hope you soon welcome your own cat at home.

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Mr Valentino is entirely handsome. I wonder if he ever chased the ghost of Marlinspike from your home?

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Cats do have a way of entwining themselves in lives and stories - just think of Matthew Flinders' tribute to the cat, Trim!

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This was so beautiful to read! I have been petless for six years so entirely understand the feeling of 'maybe it's time for a cat again.' I love how you bring together so many different strands in this post.

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Anew cat is really a compliment to an old cat. I think it’s time for a new cat

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'I am as vigilant as a cat to steal cream.'

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