Just marvelous. Thank you for noting your efforts and reasons for moving towards natural fabrics in your work, and the details on how wadding changes the loft of the look of the piece (non-sewing reader here, obviously). This is a lovely piece to watch coming together!
My experience of "accidental" design decisions is that they're never quite as accidental as they appear. When you look back, there's almost a bit of you that was making plans without telling the conscious bit of yourself until it was too late to interfere!
This is a very exciting project Lucie! Very much looking forward to see the cloke develop
Just marvelous. Thank you for noting your efforts and reasons for moving towards natural fabrics in your work, and the details on how wadding changes the loft of the look of the piece (non-sewing reader here, obviously). This is a lovely piece to watch coming together!
My experience of "accidental" design decisions is that they're never quite as accidental as they appear. When you look back, there's almost a bit of you that was making plans without telling the conscious bit of yourself until it was too late to interfere!