Really enjoyed reading this, Bea--the bit about incorporating codes for each ring is so wonderful. I am absolutely enthralled, following along as you share these stories...and so happy for you, that you finally have your turquoise ring!
I'm fascinated that you have been weaving the rings into your work for years. Such subtle references and now sharing what you have been doing. I look forward to seeing what else you do with the motifs you have created to represent them in the future. Its also fabulous that you have had one commissioned for yourself. Are you planning to do the same for the other rings or is that something you don't wish to share yet?
Thank you Siobhan - that’s very kind. There’s a ruby ring that might go on to the Cloke in the politics section; and I might scatter some more references across it. Now that I have seen the inventory, it’s making me think that there’s scope for that. And you asking has got my mind working.
How splendid that you and the jeweller, between you, have created a new piece which honours the Cardinal, Cromwell, and that long ago jeweller who made the original ring!
I love the idea of creating a cloak featuring symbols from Mantel's Trilogy, but I wondered why you had not stitched the ring using a turquoise thread with a sheen, so that it looked more like the ring in the Holbein portrait?
Really enjoyed reading this, Bea--the bit about incorporating codes for each ring is so wonderful. I am absolutely enthralled, following along as you share these stories...and so happy for you, that you finally have your turquoise ring!
That’s so nice to hear! I put so much on the first piece that I had to draw out a key to it. I’ll dig out some photos for you.
Thanks so much, Bea!
Great tale Bea. Love it that you have your own ring. Good luck with the flying
I'm fascinated that you have been weaving the rings into your work for years. Such subtle references and now sharing what you have been doing. I look forward to seeing what else you do with the motifs you have created to represent them in the future. Its also fabulous that you have had one commissioned for yourself. Are you planning to do the same for the other rings or is that something you don't wish to share yet?
Thank you Siobhan - that’s very kind. There’s a ruby ring that might go on to the Cloke in the politics section; and I might scatter some more references across it. Now that I have seen the inventory, it’s making me think that there’s scope for that. And you asking has got my mind working.
How splendid that you and the jeweller, between you, have created a new piece which honours the Cardinal, Cromwell, and that long ago jeweller who made the original ring!
I wonder what happened to it?
Your ring gives you the magic of stitching, and this is a rare and beuitful gift.
Marvellous work! Great designing... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I love the idea of creating a cloak featuring symbols from Mantel's Trilogy, but I wondered why you had not stitched the ring using a turquoise thread with a sheen, so that it looked more like the ring in the Holbein portrait?